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Jessica Milner, MSHN, FBWS, CBCP offers FREE webinar workshops, bloodwork analysis programs, as well as Emotion & Body Code sessions, all designed to get to the root cause of why you may have been struggling to heal, dealing with illness, or feeling just plain lousy.

Webinar workshops

My workshops are free, held virtually, and usually run 90 minutes. You can attend in the comfort of your home. Each workshop will give you a chance to learn about what may be causing the many physical and/or emotional issues you have been living with and provide you the tools and opportunities in order to begin to HEAL! 


90-Day DIY programs

As part of these programs, I offer a full bloodwork video analysis, program instructions & schedule, supplements delivered right to your door to contact me with any questions and support, one 30 minute zoom call per month for Q&A, and one Body Code session per month for the duration of your program where we will dig into the emotional & traumatic side of healing. Your vital body holds the blueprints for your physical body so we work on both. This work helps you get an understanding of some trauma or emotions that need some attention and you can take this further with meditation and reflection to help your spirit heal as well as your physical body.


body code

body code certification Jess Millner IdahoThe Body Code™ is a patented, revolutionary energy balancing system, intended to help you uncover root causes of discomfort, sickness, and suffering in body and spirit - so you can have the opportunity to make corrections right on the spot. Book your session today!

Healing Benefits of Body Code:
  • Emotional Wellness
  • Body System Balance
  • Toxin Resolution
  • Pathogen Resolution
  • Structural Balance
  • Nutrition & Lifestyle

emotion code

emotion code certification Jess Millner IdahoThe Emotion Code is a method of identifying and releasing trapped emotions.

What is a trapped emotion?

An emotion becomes trapped when we feel an intense emotion and suppress it rather than express it in a healthy way. This is often easier than facing and feeling the emotion, so we hold the emotion somewhere in our body's energy field.

Emotions are balls of energy. This may sound weird but it is scientific. Think: polygraph. That's measuring an energetic frequency felt and given off by your body. Negative or nervous energy gives off a jagged reading, a low vibration. This is the sort of jagged frequency that rests wherever the negative emotion is lodged.

If you have emotional blocks or seem to self-sabotage in situations like health, career, finances, or relationships, trapped emotions are a likely root cause. They are creating a block, making subconscious decisions for you without you even noticing, causing your problems to persist. For example, if someone has a lot of anger trapped inside their energy field, they are more likely to become angry in situations rather than remain calm and collected. The emotion is familiar to the body's energy.

By releasing trapped emotions we can often see an improvement in mental and physical health, as well as many life situations that we felt stuck in previously. Releasing trapped emotions lets our bodies heal and continue toward wellness.

If this sounds like something you would benefit from, I would love to help! I use basic muscle testing, very non-invasive, to identify the trapped emotion and aid its release using the governing meridian, one of the many meridians known for centuries in Tradition Chinese Medicine.

I am so blessed to be able to help others using this method.

Emotion coding sessions can be done in person or by distance, via zoom or zoom-less. 


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