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Whole Body Healing Program

Fed Up with Feeling "Fine" on Paper, But Miserable in Reality?

Unlock the Health Secrets Your Bloodwork Hides

If you're sick of hearing "your labs look normal" while battling fatigue, unexplained symptoms, and a sense that something's deeply wrong, it’s time for a seismic shift in your health narrative.


Introducing the Whole Body Healing Program


Discover and Erase the Invisible Illness Stigma

You've been told it's "all in your head," but what if I told you the clues to reclaiming your health are hidden in plain sight, in the very labs deemed unremarkable?

Your Journey to Healing Begins Now

I've walked in your shoes—exhausted, frustrated, ignored. That's precisely why I've dedicated my career to transforming 'normal' into Exceptional Health.

This Program Is Tailored for You If:
  • You are tired of being brushed off by healthcare professionals.
  • Anxiety and confusion have become your constant companions in seeking answers.
  • Chronic fatigue, low energy, and that perpetual feeling of being "off" have taken over your life.
  • You've been down the path of endless supplements and medications, only to find yourself at a standstill.
  • Blood work falls within "Normal" range, yet you feel like crap
  • Gone to doctors for years and haven't done anything proactive to heal

Ditch the endless cycle of dismissals and partial fixes. With the Whole Body Healing Program, uncover what it means to heal wholly and live fully.

Transform "I Guess I'm Okay?" into "I've Never Felt Better!"

Wave goodbye to the days of feeling unnoticed by your own healthcare, and unlock the vibrant health you've been dreaming of—minus the guesswork and the endless Google searches.

What Makes the Whole Body Healing Program Exceptionally Awesome?
  • Premium, Clean Supplements —free from gluten, dairy, soy, sugar, and other inflammatory agents.
  • Exclusive Practitioner-Grade Quality: Access what's usually reserved for practitioners. These supplements have transformed millions of lives globally. We bring only the best because your health deserves nothing less.
  • Compatibility and Safety First: Harmonizes with most medications, with clear guidance on any contraindications. They’re also safe for sensitive individuals but if you’re worried, we have a plan laid out for you too inside the guide.
  • Your Supplement Guide: Delivered directly to your doorstep. This guidebook outlines the DIY 90-day supplement schedule, recommended dosages, and valuable tools to assist you in your healing journey with ease.
  • Real Results: Transform from feeling like "crap" to experiencing vitality, even when your doctor says you're fine.
But Wait, There’s More! Your Roadmap to Wellness Includes:
  • Food for Thought (And Health): Get nutrition advice and recipes delivered faster than you can say "email" – all tailored to make your taste buds and cells do a happy dance.
  • Direct Email Access to Jess: Have questions? Need clarity? I'm here to guide you every step of the way.
  • Body Code Sessions to Unlock Emotional Well-being: Receive three Body Code sessions across the program, targeting the emotional dimensions of your health for holistic healing.
  • Monthly Group Zoom Calls: Dive into our Zoom calls like it’s the healthiest pool party ever. Share, learn, and be inspired with fellow health seekers and your personal health DJ (that’s me!). On these calls, you'll also be able to ask questions about your own bloodwork, ensuring you get the personalized insights you need.

Step Into a Life Where Vibrant Health is Your New Normal.

Don't let another day go by feeling less than your best. The "Whole Body Healing Program" is your gateway to transforming how you feel, function, and flourish.

Join Now and Start Your Journey to Wholeness. Because feeling "just okay" isn't good enough. You're meant for more—let's unlock that potential together.

Your True Health Gal,

Jessica Milner, MSHN, FBWS, CBCP

Add to Cart: $3,600 total (3 installments of $1,200)Add to Cart: $3,500 total (pay-in-full)
Whole Body Healing Jessica Milner Deep Rooted Wellness

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Join one of my FREE online workshops learn more!


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I'm here for you! 




“This (‘your labs are normal’) I have gotten all the time. You helped me get my D3 back up. I was told it was ‘a little low’ and it was at 19! Thank you for all you do 🙂 “

Amber K

“Jess is amazing and anyone who has the pleasure to work with her is lucky. She truly cares about helping people”


Jessica is amazing! I was stalled in my physical healing and had an emotion session with her. She helped clear an emotional block that was holding back my healing. I highly recommend her!!!! Amazing results and person ❤️.


“Dear Jessica,
The words Thank You are a minor expression of the gratitude I have for you, and how you have helped my children and myself. It is my true belief that the Lord intentionally put you in our lives at just the right time. Knowing something was undoubtably wrong. The world was
screaming normal. You helped me hear the still voice inside me that had been buried.
My children and I came to you seeking help. You provided aid and real direction in healing. Along our journey you were able to address immediate health concerns and the unseen health issues to the unexperienced at the root cause. If the Lord had not introduced us at the right time life would have been debilitating or even grave. You have always been patient and taking your time with me. You really made an awareness of the toxins in every day life. You helped me understand what and why. Healing is a journey and we are blessed to have you along our journey. You are not just a practitioner to me but a friend! May the Lord continue to use you to bless others on their journeys of health and healing.

Susan & Family

Hi Jessica!
Just wanted to let you know that I am noticing a difference in the way I am feeling and even behaving (less codependent) with my dad and I feel less reactionary to my mother’s triggering behaviors since our session last week. You’re amazing at what you do! The results have been astounding over the last year and a half that we’ve been working together. I tell my friends about you all the time.

Thanks for all that you do!


More Inspiration



getting to the root



